Things You Should Know about Generic and Branded Painkillers

March 04, 2016

There is a misconception surrounding painkillers, so much that there is almost an overwhelming  preference towards branded painkillers over generic ones.

In a 2014 report by the Philippine Institute for Developmental Studies (PIDS), less than half of the 1,160 customers asked the drugstore for generic alternatives. In a post at Generics and Biosimilars Initiative, 48% of respondents believe that generic medicine is less effective than branded ones. Perhaps for this very reason, 70% of them prefer branded over generic drugs.

There are many reasons mentioned in the report that influence customers to purchase branded medicine over generic drugs. Among them are, “[q]uality concerns, lack of regulation by FDA, poor recall, patient’s preference, and personal experience.”

However, there is no reason to think lowly of generic drugs. This post is out to make you think again about this type of medicine and how they are just as effective, if not better, than your beloved branded painkillers.

Photo courtesy of DarkoStojanovic via Pixabay

Both brand-name and generic products undergo the same required screening tests.

The preference towards branded painkillers over generic ones can also be traced to their price and endorser. Some people believe that branded painkillers are more effective because these are more expensive. Others may have purchased the branded drug because of the celebrity who endorses it.

However, generic pills are actually just of the same quality as the branded ones.

A new generic drug undergoes the same screening tests done to branded drugs by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) Philippines. The tests ensure that the drug meets the high standards set for all medicine sold at any drug store. Generic drug companies go through meticulous manufacturing, testing, and packaging examinations.

All the components that make up the drug should be approved before it can even be made at the laboratory. They use a term called bioequivalent, which means that both generic and branded drugs need to have the exact same result on the human body after a person has ingested the medicine. If it doesn’t meet FDA’s standards, it will not be allowed in pharmacies and drug stores.

As a consumer , there are certain standards for generic painkillers that must be maintained:

  • The generic drug must have the same active ingredients as that of the leading branded drug

  • The generic drug and branded drugs must have identical strength and potency

  • The generic drug must have the same use components as that of the leading branded drug

  • The generic drug is manufactured under standardized regulations and supervision

A generic drug is closely monitored during the process of manufacturing even after approval

Even after generic drugs are approved, the FDA continues to monitor them using this comprehensive inspection checklist. Inspection of the generic drug sites happen regularly and the ingredients, procedures, and operations are monitored closely to make sure that the medicines sold in the market continue to meet the standards set by the FDA.

The checklist also covers whether or not the drug possesses the necessary documentation and is sold in suitable premises with the best possible equipment. This ensures that the drug is indeed suitable for distribution and consumption.

(Photo courtesy of DarkoStojanovic via Pixabay)

Doctors are now prescribing generic painkillers more than ever

Contrary to public opinion, generic medicine are prescribed just as much as their branded counterparts, if not more, by doctors.

The study conducted by PIDS concludes that, five of out of six drugs are prescribed under their generic name. If the doctor doesn't give you the generic name of the prescribed painkiller, don't hesitate to ask for it.

There is a generic version for every painkiller type

If the doctor prescribed you with any branded painkiller, you can be sure that there are generic versions of it in the pharmacy. Below are three of the most common generic names of branded painkillers:

  • Ibuprofen - Considered as the best and most accessible NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), ibuprofen is used to treat body pains and aches. As with all NSAID pain relievers, ibuprofen may cause upset stomach and ulcer.

  • Naproxen - This relatively new NSAID shares the same functions as ibuprofen. However, while it works slower than ibuprofen, naproxen can be better in targeting muscle inflammation and sprain. Naproxen is also better suited for patients with liver and heart problems.

  • Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) - Aside from treating minor pains, Paracetamol is also found in cough and cold remedies to help patients recover. While it relieves pain, paracetamol is not a NSAID. This means that patients taking paracetamol will not suffer from side effects associated with NSAID.

Your doctor should provide you with the generic name of the prescribed painkiller for you.

Generic painkillers are more affordable compared to the branded drugs

According to a 2006 report “The Prices People Have to Pay for Medicines in the Philippines” at the Philippine Center of Investigative Journalism, branded drugs have become more expensive over time. Pharmaceutical companies attribute the price inflation to "stressed cost and quality differences."

To avoid the gradually increasing costs of branded painkillers, ask your local pharmacy if they have generic painkillers instead. According to the FDA, the price difference of generic painkillers to branded painkillers reaches a range of 80% to 85%.

By purchasing generic painkillers, you can allot your money for other important things like bills and grocery shopping.


We only want what’s best for ourselves and our loved ones, especially when it comes to over-the-counter drugs to ease the pain. We want to be cured and to feel better as fast as possible to keep us safe from further complications. Because of this, people choose more popular branded painkillers because of the belief that these are better.

However, choosing less expensive, less marketed, and less popular generic painkillers is a feasible alternative. In fact, the efficacy of generic painkillers is equal to that of branded ones as both go through the same rigorous process to ensure their quality.

Also, the common stigma of generic painkillers being ineffective because they are unbranded, cheap, and not being endorsed by a celebrity is incorrect. Branded does not always mean better, and cheaper does not equal to lower effectiveness and quality.

Ultimately, it is a matter of preference for consumers but remember: a generic drug can just be the good choice the next time you feel pain in your body.

These are only some helpful information to guide your decisions.Remember that it is still best to consult your physician before taking any medication.